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We are here to help!

Manthey Moto

We offer Enduro and Adventure Bike Tours and Training! Ask for rental bikes if you're traveling from abroad or don't have your own bike yet!
Ofrecemos Entrenamiento y Tours de Enduro y Adventure Bikes! Pregunta por nuestras Motos si vienes del extranjero o aún no tienes tu propia moto y necesitas alquilar una!

Contact information

Lima, Peru

"GREAT! riding in the desert!"

rider - GERMANY

Manthey Moto Experience

We offer Enduro and Adventure Bike Clases and Tours! Ask for rental bikes if you’re traveling from abroad or don’t have your own bike yet!
Ofrecemos clases y Tours de Enduro y Adventure Bikes! Pregunt


Monday-Friday: 9am to 17pm; Satuday: 10am to 2pm
+51 968 791 908